Framing & Empowering [Digital] Youth Work
Start Date: 01/12/2023
End Date: 31/05/2025
Funding Programme: Erasmus+
Funding Agency: European Union
Framing & Empowering [Digital] Youth Work (FEW4Youth) is a project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union coordinated by the Research & Innovation Center for Social and Educational Sciences (RISC) and in partnership with the Innovation Education Lab based in Romania.
The aim of FEW4Youth is to increase the quality, innovation and recognition of youth work by exploring the current framework in Cyprus and Romania and identifying how it can be enhanced, utilising examples and best practices from countries with an advanced and highly recognisable [Digital] Youth Work field.
Analytically, the objectives of this project are:
Enhance the knowledge on the current framework of Youth Work and Digital Youth Work in Cyprus and Romania;
Increase the knowledge of the practices used by other countries in recognising Youth Work and Digital Youth Work;
Provide recommendations on how recognition of Youth Work and Digital Youth Work can be facilitated;
Empower Youth Workers in using digital tools to upgrade the quality of their work with and for youth;
Promote valuable free tools developed in the contexts of EU projects for enhancing the digital competences of youth workers.